Thursday, September 16, 2010

sunshine after the rain

This may seem odd but I just had a rather nice conversation with my ex earlier. We had some catching up. It's been a week since we've last spoken with each other, and during our last conversation we had a bit of misunderstanding that led to a quarrel. Honestly, I wasn't really up for a conversation with her. I guess during those moments I was still bitter about our break-up - it being a very very bad one - four days after my birthday, six months ago. She was my first, and I've always wanted a "first, last, and only one." Unfortunately sh*t happens. It was all great while it lasted. I couldn't deny the fact that it really was. But now, I guess I could say that I'm over it. I'm not feeling any resentment towards her, or anything negative. I'm glad it's over, but I'm not that we are. I really hate break-ups, especially now that it happened to me. I wonder how our parents have managed to pull off that "first, last, and only one" thing. I thought I could pull it off too. I should've listened to Mama back then, but what I had then made my life a little more happier.

Recently, I've been having certain feelings for a friend of mine although I don't want to rush things yet. I don't want something wrong to happen that would ruin our friendship. I really like her, but no intense feelings yet. I guess I gave a little too much in my last relationship to the point that I couldn't love another the way I did with her. It'll probably take a long time to get back up and love again. But at least there's someone who still keeps my heart beating. :)

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