Monday, January 10, 2011

first for 2011

Hello Blog. I feel so awkward blogging again for the first time in weeks. It feels a bit off. Maybe because of the laziness kicking in - the laziness in doing almost anything. I still have some unfinished blog entries which I promised to post, but that could come later. I do keep my promises, although that doesn't mean I do whatever it is that i promised right away.

Recently, and by that I mean for the past weeks, I've been thinking a lot about this girl. I think I'm in love with her. Some other part of me says it might just be infatuation. This is all so confusing. I never thought loving (or liking) would be so perplex. I always thought of it as something simple. Yes, it is so simple to love at the same time it is not. I do recall something that goes like: "Love is simple. We just make it complicated." I have dwelt on that thought for so long, I can't even remember when. I think it was from a film.

Baaah! Who am I kidding... I shouldn't think about this too much. I have more important matters to think of - like my social science paper (but that could come later). Oh! That just rhymed, didn't it?! I love coming up with those lines that rhyme.

Right now my thoughts are very incoherent and I don't know what to put next. I'd better stop right here for the meantime before I put a lot of blah blah blah and yadda yadda yadda like in my other entries. It just makes me laugh when I read my old entries that are full of unorganized trains of thought.