Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Of Hearts and Heartaches

This was the first time I manned up on Valentine's Day. Yes, I asked a girl out. I was so proud of myself when I mustered up the courage to send a girl a simple text message. The only reason that kept me from doing what I did (all these years!) was probably the fear of getting rejected and looking stupid the following days after if I happen to see the girl.

It was a quiet Monday. Nothing really special except the fact that I was about to have lunch with a girl and practically enjoy every moment with her. But it didn't happen. We didn't have lunch and instead enjoying every moment with her, I had difficulty keeping to myself what I actually felt. I was so hurt. She was talking about her day and how other people have made her day already, and that she's going to have another date with someone else later in the evening. I wouldn't know if she was trying to make me jealous and playing hard to get, or she was just being plain tactless. But one thing I do know - I was crushed. Yeah, it was an almost 2-hour conversation and just keeping each other company. But the fact is, I planned something even after the lunch part. Although I'm afraid I must disappoint everyone reading this, I wouldn't disclose what I planned after that lunch. You have to ask me personally what I was planning :P

Right now I'm trying to take it out of my mind. It wouldn't do me any good sulking in a corner and wishing it could've happened. I'll try to be awesome instead.

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